1950s & 1960s – Because of housing demand and zoning changes, homes in
Munger Place and Swiss Avenue are further converted into apartments. The area continues to decline, and property values plummet.
Early 1960s – Residents between the blocks of Fitzhugh and Collett voluntarily remove the neighborhood’s deed restrictions. Deed restrictions between Skillman and La Vista expire shortly thereafter.
Late 1960s – The decay of the neighborhoods reaches a peak, and the area approaches a slum. It’s a haven for motorcycle gangs, drug users, alcoholics, criminals and prostitutes
1971 – A city planner suggests the creation of a historic district for
Swiss Avenue. Neighborhood leaders begin raising money and organizing toward this purpose. 1972 – Members of the newly created Historic Preservation League (HPL) — which will eventually become Preservation Dallas — begin canvassing the neighborhood to garner cooperation for their plan. Support is not high, but they soldier on anyway.
1973 – HPL convinces the City Council to pass the Dallas Preservation Ordinance. A year later, it publishes “Buying a Home in Old East Dallas,” part of a major marketing program to interest potential residents in purchasing and preserving homes in the area.
July 1973 – Swiss Avenue is designated as a historic district. With more than 100 homes, it includes Swiss Avenue,
Bryan Parkway, and sections of Live Oak, La Vista and Beacon Street
1976-1979 – HPL is instrumental in the establishment of the Munger Place Historic District Revolving Fund. During this time, 27 homes are purchased and sold for restoration purposes, and
Munger Place attracts about $5 million in private reinvestment.
1980 — The Munger Place Historic District is created with more than 200 homes between Henderson and Prairie and Junius and Reiger.